An Introduction to Criminal Psychology

An Introduction to Criminal Psychology By Russil Durrant This publication offers a, up-to-date, thorough, and theoretically educated introduction to unlawful psychology, discovering how mental explanations and techniques can be included with other perspectives attracted from evolutionary biology, neurobiology, sociology, and criminology. Sketching on instances from surrounding the world, it considers different kinds of offenses...
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GENETICS OF CRIMINAL AND ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR Criminal and antisocial behavior threaten cooperative social organization, and each culture has developed methods to isolate and punish criminals. However, criminal behavior has not been eliminated in any culture, and so it is rational to try to use scientific approaches to explain the origins and causes of criminal behavior, and to suggest ways of preventing crime or rehabilitating...
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Policing and Society By MICHAEL J. PALMIOTTO

POLICING AND SOCIERY BY  MICHAEL J. PALMIOTTO Policing and Society: A Global Approach provides comparative information on policing as a component of criminal justice that is guided by current sociological perspectives and an international understanding. Currently, there exists no text book similar to Policing and Society: A Global Approach that discusses the study of law enforcement sociologically and cross-nationally. Policing and Society...
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The Trials of Masculinity- ANGUS MCLARE

The Trials of Masculinity- ANGUS MCLARE Ideas of masculinity, which a generation ago seemed mostly unproblematic, have become a major subject of historical inquiry, and the period that has aroused the most extreme interest is the turn of the twentieth century, when a sense of crisis seized much of western Europe and The united states. In The Studies of Masculinity Angus McLaren seeks to increase these research. Geographically, he roams from...
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Investigating Identity Theft: A Guide for Businesses, Law Enforcement, and Victims What will you do when you encounter identity theft within your business? Chances are, you have already lost money to identity theft and business fraud. Look no further than the latest newspaper headlines to know that it is an epidemic problem and an alarming reality from which no business-whether small or large-is immune. Although you can′t completely stop...
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The Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir: Ambiguity, Conversion, Resistance   Studies of Simone de Beauvoir have mostly concentrated on her literature, her life, and her famous 1949 work, The Second Sex, and the continued emphasis has been on Beauvoir's views on gender. The Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir places her theory of women's "otherness" in the context of a number of contemporary theories on a similar subject. While gender takes...
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Simone de Beauvoir, Margaret A. Simons, "Feminist Writings"

Simone de Beauvoir, Margaret A. Simons, "Feminist Writings" By turns surprising and revelatory, this sixth volume in the Beauvoir Series presents newly discovered writings and lectures while providing new translations and contexts for Simone de Beauvoir's more familiar writings. Spanning Beauvoir's career from the 1940s through 1986, the pieces explain the paradoxes in her political and feminist stances, including her famous 1972 announcement...
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